Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Hey, hi - I was just pumping some iron at the gym this morning when I had a show stopping idea: a Movie about Bingo. How I thought of this was through a process of Reasoning on 'Bingo is so unrepresented in Cinema' - a total joke because so many people play it.

'$56.9 = Pure Profits!!. Is Film in China'

Oh my days I be running bare tings round these ends blud, trust!


Cop this:

Synopsis for Bingo Movie
Main Character (played by Actor) strides calmly into a Bingo Establishment and begins playing for all he is worth. He is really concentrating. Wait - there is an evil Bingo Practitioner present! A guy who just doesn't give a shit for the rules. [Tension rises through the roof]. The whole match starts to really fuck up. It all hangs in the balance for ages. Then, towards the end, the Main Character suddenly realises: Holy Shit, I am really good at Bingo ---> I could win this shit!

It's a pretty focussed Movie, but there is plenty of space for Romance and moments of Humour to leaven the unbearable tension.

Character Arc:

Background of Main Character:

1. Just plain old nous, of Bingo.
2. Dead mentor, 'I always wanted to be a World Champion of Bingo, *urrggh*'

Background of evil Bingo Practitioner:

1. Intimidation of opponents: eg, 'Hey buddy, hey there with your Bingo card, how about I burn up your whole family? Would you like that? MENACING STARE
2. Hates Bingo but is drawn to it --> inexorably.

I pretty much just need a title now. I am thinking about -

'BINGO MOVIE: A Film of Total Excellence'


Blogger Fluffy said...

How about

B - I - N - G - O,

B - I - N - G - O,

B - I - N - G - O,

And Bingo was its Name-O

3:21 PM  
Blogger The Book Grocer said...

What about "The Tears Behind the Numbers"?

6:29 PM  
Blogger Ben said...

You cunt, Punchy. First you get in on my interview shit, now you're taking my movie plots too.

If I didn't know better I'd swear you were trying to assimilate me.

8:08 PM  
Blogger IOYC said...

Dear Jobe

Calm down you Monopoly Big Pharma robot! Don't make me paragraph mark up in this shit. Imagine what if I make a Story about Chefs / Cookery!! I was actually thinking of doing this, investigating, etc. But out of respect and lazy, 'nothing came of it'.

Dear Others

I am thinking also about 'Fantastic Bingo Experience: Movie'


Yours Sincerely,
IOYC Strikes Your Premises Now That's The End of This Press Statement

10:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cannot believe in this grammar/"shit of spelling"

"How I though of this was through a process of Reasoning..."

Is this the 1st mistake you have ever made??
Things can only go downhill from here.

8:19 PM  
Blogger IOYC said...

Dear BT

What the fuck are you talking about dude!! Questioning of my Spelling Style!!?

[HINT: I totally went back in time and changed that shit to a Correct Interpretation of English. LOL -> now you are a Paradox.]

Dear Amco

Imagine if I DID yell of 'Bingo' on any old street corner --> So many people would be thinking of Bingo at that moment. 'How could my life be influenced by Bingo' etc.

I think this is the best advertising yet! Fuck other forms of advertising!!

All the Best,
IOYC Takes One To Know One

11:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

love the blog

5:07 AM  

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